
Are you feeling stuck at the moment?


Maybe you’re unsure whether you are on the right track career wise? Perhaps relationships (romantic and otherwise) are changing and you don’t know what to do? Do you just know deep down there is a better life for you, but you just don’t know how to get there?

Then the Quarter Life Crisis Kit is for you.*

You will receive:

  • 3 x 1 hour coaching sessions with me (valued at $360)
  • 1 x invitation to a private webinar where I will share my story, lessons and what I am still learning plus an open Q&A at the end (valued at $50)
  • Membership to the Wellness Hub – a private Facebook community for my clients with extra wellness information, articles and special offers
  • Unlimited contact with me over a 3month period via email and Facebook messaging to ask me ANYTHING your heart desires (priceless!)

Above all, you will be investing in your self growth – becoming a better, happier, healthier you – just one step closer to that dream life you so deserve.

All this is yours for just $360 (valued at over $500)!

The kit is only available to 12 special people – spaces are limited.

To register: Email me with the subject line “Quarter Life Crisis Kit – Sign Me Up!”

I can’t wait to work with you!

*Let’s be clear, you could be having a mid-life crisis and this kit would still work wonders


Soul Sister Sundays – Tori Clapham

Tori Soul Sister Sundays .jpgWith Tori Clapham from PEACHES Pilates

I first met Tori when working in my corporate role – she instantly struck me not only as an incredibly beautiful person, both inside and out, but someone who absolutely glows with health…and she is so passionate about it, is it any wonder we hit it off?

Tori is a certified mat, pre and post natal Pilates instructor, as well as a trained Doula. She is incredibly passionate about not only physical, but mental health, and has a laid back, friendly style of teaching.

An expert in ‘total body toning’ for both men and women, Tori’s PEACHES Pilates classes offer a holistic and advanced approach to working out, with proven speedy and lasting results. With clients describing PEACHES classes as ‘a killer workout, but also a chance to laugh and have fun’, Tori’s innovative and easily modified classes are a must try for those of all fitness levels.

Whether you’re looking to generally tone up, aid your illness with the power of Pilates, say goodbye to back pain, increase your strength, or (let’s be real here) ‘juicify’ your booty – Tori is here to help!

A soul sister to me is….

Any one of my best friends – or my incredible mother! The people closest to me who I can be my absolute true self with…. – with all the embarrassing and grimy and unappealing bits included! Soul sisters work together to bring out the best in each other, and are always looking for new ways to work together, grow together and of course have fun together!

My favourite things to do with my soul sisters are…

Aside from just enjoying time together and indulging in all of the food and all of the wine? Brainstorming new projects, traveling the world, and falling into deep conversations that sway heavily from their original starting point!

How do you maintain quality friendships with so much on?

By prioritising staying in touch, seeing each other on weekends and making an effort to remember and be involved in what important things are coming up in their lives. If distance or a crazy week at work ever gets in the way of this, a simple message, call or email every now and again to let the person know that you love them is always nice!

What are your favourite traits that your soul sisters have?

My friends are a crazy ball of creative energy, extreme ambition, unwavering empathy, genuine kindness and wonderful humour.

What makes your soul light up?

L.O.V.E. I am a love puppy, and I crave connection and intimacy. For me, it’s all about the love!

What causes are you supporting at the moment?

I am currently holding workshops within my studio aimed at aiding my clients in their personal health journeys – physically, mentally and nutritionally. I am also very passionate about helping those with disease ease their treatment and recovery with the power of Pilates; I am currently setting up free classes in my space for those who need it – so please get in touch if you or someone you know is undergoing treatment and would like to learn more about the power of exercise when it comes to recovery!

Connect with Tori

Inst: @peachespilates

Facey: facebook.com/peachespilatesbondi

Email: peachespilates@gmail.com

Book a class: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/admhome?studioid=275563

